We cover over 120 languages
To give you an idea of the scope and range of our translation work, which covers over 120 different languages, we list the most common projects we encounter in the most frequently occurring languages currently:
- Afrikaans
- Armenian
- Belarussian
- Bulgarian
- Chinese
- Czech
- Dutch
- Finnish
- Georgian
- Gujarati
- Hindi
- Indonesian
- Japanese
- Khmer
- Lao
- Macedonian
- Marathi
- Nepali
- Persian
- Punjabi
- Serbian (Cyrillic)
- Sinhala
- Spanish
- Swiss
- Taiwanese
- Telugu
- Ukrainian
- Vietnamese
- Albanian
- Azerbaijani
- Bengali
- Burmese
- Danish
- English
- Flemish (Belgian)
- German
- Haitian Creole
- Hungarian
- Irish Gaelic
- Kannada
- Korean
- Latvian
- Malay
- Mongolian
- Norwegian
- Polish
- Romanian
- Serbian (Latin)
- Slovak
- Swahili
- Tajik
- Thai
- Urdu
- Welsh
- Zulu
- Yoruba
- Arabic
- Basque
- Bosnian
- Catalan
- Croatian
- Dari
- Estonian
- French
- Greek
- Turkish
- Icelandic
- Italian
- Kazakh
- Kurdish
- Lithuanian
- Malayalam
- Montenegrin
- Pashto
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Slovenian (Slovene)
- Swedish
- Tagalog
- Tamil
- Uzbek
- Xhosa
- Websites
- Manuals
- Real Estate
- Contracts
- Brochures
- IT
- Finance
- Education
- Project Management,
- Court Cases
- Engineering
- Medical
- Transcriptions
- Tenders
- Degrees and Certificates
- Newsletters
- Environmental Reports
- Medical texts
- Insurance
- Travel and Tourism
- Voice-overs
- Advertising material
- Training Courses
We also have some of the region’s top Simultaneous Interpreters on our books and have provided both Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpretation for a range of events, such as:
- International Conferences
- National Government events
- Meetings
- Exhibitions